1.3 Transfer images from camera direct to computer

To begin the import process you must have your source (SD card) plugged in to the computer you are transferring images to. Once you have Lightroom open click the import button on the bottom left of the screen.
After this this window opens. The image sources are listed on the left, so if I didn’t have my SD card plugged in it wouldn’t show as a source. The destination for your images is on the right, so if you have multiple hard drives you can select which hard drive to import your photos in to from here. In the panel below this you have the option to rename the photos you are importing and below that you have the option to add keywords to the photos you are importing to be able to locate them easily once imported.

In the middle of the import window you have these various options:
1. Copy as DNG: This option will copy your images from the source to the destination and convert your images to a DNG. which is a new RAW format crated by Adobe.
2. Copy: This option will copy your images from the source to the destination. The file format you took your images in will be retained.
3. Move: This option will copy the images to your destination but delete them from the source.
4. Add: This option will just add the images from your source to the Lightroom catalogue. It wont copy or move the original file from the source. Useful if you are using external hard drives as your image sources.