3.2. Explore composition/structure through concepts such as: the juxtaposition of visual elements, image effects, colour enhancement and transformation commands (i.e. scale, rotate, skew). 

Here I have changed the text’s colour in order to fit in with the narrative better. I have also intentionally misspelt words, instead I chose to spell them phonetically. This is to add comedic value and to highlight the speakers odd way of pronouncing what he says.
Here I have done a position animation on the text so that it enters in from the left of the screen and exits the screen to the right. I made sure the playhead was where I wanted the animation to start and then clicked the stopwatch next to position. I then moved the playhead where I wanted the animation to end, moved the text and then clicked the diamond next to the stopwatch to add another keyframe, so the animation had an endpoint.
Here I used the preset animations in After effects to add an explosion animation to the text “RIIIP”. All I had to adjust were where the keyframes were, and to sync the effect with the sound from the extracted audio.
Adding visual assets to make the narrative more convincing and successful. I made sure to select a black and white passport emblem so that it fit in with the black and white emojis I used earlier.