3.3 Produce correctly exposed photographs and examples of over exposed and under exposed photographs

I placed my subjects on a white background lit by bright direct sunlight. If I had a tripod I would of used one to maintain the same framing and focal length. As I didnt have a tripod I put pencil markings where the edges of my frame was and kept the focal length the same to ensure similar framing in each photograph. White balance was set to daylight.

Practice Typology

In my practice typology there were differences in the background lighting which shows in the collage of all the images. In my professional typology I will expose the images more to create a whiter, cleaner background. Also due to the pencils being different heights the collage doesn’t look uniform, I will look for more uniform subjects in my professional typology.

Professional typology

In my practice typology the background was visible where the images met in the collage. To stop this from happening in my professional typology I shot the images with the widest f stop and a slower shutter speed. I also overexposed the images by a 1/3rd of a stop in camera to create a brighter image. I kept the ISO and aperture values the same in all my photographs, I had to adjust the shutter speed slightly in some photos as they were getting overexposed. I maintained an ISO of 100 and aperture of f4.5. Shutter speeds used were 1/320 and 1/400.