
Here is the final letterform image cropped, sorted alphabetically and fitted in to grids.
I begun by creating a new Photoshop document that had a width of 20cm and a hight of 24cm as I wanted to create a page that would fit a 4cmx4cm image for each of the 26 letters of the alphabet. I also set the image resolution to 300PPI for the highest quality.
Next was setting up the grid I wanted to set my sequence of images in. I set the number of columns to 5 and number of rows to 6. This creates a grid with 4 blank spaces left which was annoying but it was the compromise I had to make as there are 26 letters in the alphabet, and this was the most efficient way to sort them in to a grid. I also set the gutter size to 0cm as I didn’t want any spaces between my images.
To start placing images on to the grid, I created a new page on Photoshop 4cm high and 4cm wide and I set the resolution to 300 PPI for the best fidelity.
On this new page I placed each letterform image I had taken and used the free transform tool to resize each image to fit them on to the 4x4cm template. I made sure I dragged the image from the corner while free transforming as I did not want to distort my images.
Here is the final image with all the photos arranged alphabetically in the grid I created. Before exporting the image I merged all the layers as each alphabet image was on its own layer.