Represent a person’s occupation, interests or home life

4.1. Clearly represent a person’s occupation, interests or home life, as appropriate, using imagination and initiative.

Following my plan as mentioned in the previous task I was able to capture these following photos.

The first three photographs fall in to a theme of people busking for money, pleasure and peoples entertainment. I managed to capture three different people playing unique instruments at different locations. I used natural lighting in all my photos as they were all unplanned, candid shots. The lens I used was a 40mm prime, that’s why they all share the same framing. It also made it easier for me when shooting as I knew the frame before putting the camera to my eye. It also helped with being discreet when taking the photos. If it was possible to avoid the subject knowing they are being photographed that was preferred; although when your subject makes eye contact with your camera, the best photos usually arise.

Out of three in the busking set my favourite is the one with the man in silhouette playing the guitar. The silhouette captures the isolation the man is experiencing as his audience passes him, passively consuming his hard work. I also love the amount of tonal range I managed to capture. The dark black of the foreground slowly dissolving into lovely greys which further dissolve themselves into ethereal whites.

The last two photographs don’t share a theme of profession but they are both horse related. The first photo is of a man who takes people on tours in a horse carriage. Looking and waiting in anticipation for customers to ferry around. His creased hat is a great symbol of the struggle and boredom he faces when working. Continued on into the creases in his t-shirt.

The last photograph is a bit more uplifting, showing two police officers (one on horseback) having a chat on the street. I really love this photo as the framing is balanced and a varied tonal range is also present. It’s an intimate moment between the two officers; looking at the officer on horseback’s helmet, we can see the reflection of the cities highrises. Opening up the photo making us feel as if we are part of the scene. Adding a wide-angle element to a fairly tight shot. Linking back to the brief, their profession and purpose is evident, as both the horse and officers are wearing a police uniform.