Task 2

2.1       Select and justify the equipment needed to successfully complete the brief.

I am going to use my DSLR to shoot my photographs, shooting in RAW for maximum flexibility during editing. I will use my kit 18-55 lens if I need wide shots, otherwise I prefer to use my 40mm prime lens as it provides higher image fidelity. I will be using natural lighting such as daylight and lamps, as I don’t have a speedlight; I am going to use a reflector whenever possible though. I will edit my photos in Lightroom as it can edit RAW photos and provide me tools such as the ability to create contact sheets; Photoshop will be utilised if heavy editing is needed and if I need to arrange my photos in to a typology. I will also need my laptop and a mouse to import and edit my photos on. I shall use a tripod if shooting a typology, where the framing in each photo has to be the same; or if I am lighting a scene in different ways and I need my camera to be stationary to again maintain the same framing.

All my equipment.